2023. “Broadcasting Our Lives, Broadcasting Ourselves,” in Brewer, Ruberg, Cullen and Persaud (eds.), Real Life in Real Time, MIT Press.
2023. “Games Matter,” Games: Research and Practice, 1:1, pp 6: 1-4. Originally commissioned by the Knight Foundation for Lessons of the First Internet Age conference (2022).
2023. “Staring at My Phone: Play and Presence in Batuu,” (abstract) First Annual DisNet Conference (online).
2022. “Ethnography as Play,” American Journal of Play, 14:1, 33-57.
2020. “Playing Disney: Experience and Expression in the Land of Curation,” DiGRA Conference Proceedings.
2020. “Inclusion at Scale: Deploying a Community-Driven Moderation Intervention on Twitch,” co-authored with Johanna Brewer and Morgan Romine, DIS ’20: Proceedings of the 2020 ACM Designing Interactive Systems Conference, July 2020, Pages 757–769.
2020. “The Rise of Massively Multiplayer Online Games, Esports, and Game Live Streaming: An Interview with T.L. Taylor,” American Journal of Play, 2 (2): 107-116.
2019. “A Conversation on Game Studies, History, and Interventions,” ROMChip, v1, n2.
2019. “Esports and Live Streaming: Between Grind, Critical Work, and Leisure,” Digital Culture & Society 5 (2), 161-168.
2019. “Diversity and Inclusion in Collegiate Esports: Challenges, Opportunities, and Interventions” whitepaper for AnyKey.
2019. “Public Thinker: T.L. Taylor on GamerGate, Live-streaming, and Esports,” Public Books, February.
2019. “The Environment for Ethical Action,” MIT SHASS Ethics, Computing and AI special series, February.
2018. “Twitch and the Work of Play,” American Journal of Play, 11 (1): 65-84.
2018. “Live Streaming Moderation Best Practices for Event Moderators” whitepaper for AnyKey.
2018. “On the Significance of Connecting, in Face-to-Face Interactions and in Digital Spaces: An Interview with Dr. T. L. Taylor,” HASTAC, January 6.
2017. “Gender & Esports Tournaments: Best Practices Recommendations” whitepaper for AnyKey.
2016. “Diversity and Inclusion in Collegiate Esports” whitepaper for AnyKey.
2016. “Barriers to Inclusion and Retention: The Role of Community Management and Moderation” whitepaper for AnyKey.
2015. “Esports Event Participation: IEM San Jose” whitepaper for AnyKey.
2015. “Women in Esports” whitepaper for AnyKey.
2013. “Words with Friends: Writing Collaboratively Online,” co-authored with Tom Boellstorff, Bonnie Nardi, and Celia Pearce, Interactions, Sept/Oct: 58-61. [PDF]
2013. “The Rise of Game Spectatorship,” In Media Res, 2 July.
2011. “Internet & Games” in M. Consalvo, C. Ess, R. Burnett (eds.)The Blackwell Handbook of Internet Studies, West Sussex: Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 369-383. [PDF]
2011. “Gaming Lifeworlds: Social Play in Persistent Environments” [edited selections from Play Between Worlds] in S. Giddings and M. Lister (eds.) The New Media and Technocultures Reader, New York: Routledge, pp. 369-393.
2010. “This is How We Play It: What a Mega-LAN Can Teach Us About Games,” co-authored with Emma Witkowski, Foundations of Digital Games Conference Proceedings, Monterey, CA. [PDF]
2009. “The Assemblage of Play,” Games and Culture, 4 (4): 331-339. [PDF] [reprinted in Chinese: Digital Game Studies Reader (游戏研究读本), He Wei and Liu Mengfei (Eds.), Translation by Cao Shule, East China Normal University Press, pp 41-47, 2020. See http://gameresearch.cn/dgsr2020/ for more information].
2008. “Becoming a Player: Networks, Structures, and Imagined Futures” in Y. Kafai, C. Heeter, J. Denner, and J. Sun (eds.) Beyond Barbie and Mortal Kombat: New Perspectives on Gender, Games, and Computing, Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, pp. 50-65. [PDF]
2007. “Pushing the Borders: Player Participation and Game Culture” in J. Karaganis (ed.), Network_Netplay: Structures of Participation in Digital Culture, New York: Social Science Research Council, pp. 112-130. [PDF]
2006. “Beyond Management: Considering Participatory Design and Governance in Player Culture,” First Monday, Special issue #7 (October).
2006. “Does WoW Change Everything?: How a PvP Server, Multinational Playerbase, and Surveillance Mod Scene Caused Me Pause,” Games and Culture, 1 (4): 1-20; reprinted in J. Walker and H. Corneliussen (eds.) Digital Culture, Play, and Identity: A World of Warcraft Reader, Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, pp. 187-201. [PDF]
2005. Review of Pleasures of the Player: Flow and Control in Online Games (2003) in Norsk Medietidsskrift, 12(4).
2004. “The Social Design of Virtual Worlds: Constructing the User and Community Through Code” in M. Consalvo et. al. (eds.), Internet Research Annual Volume 1: Selected Papers from the Association of Internet Researchers Conferences 2000-2002. New York: Peter Lang, pp. 260-268. [PDF]
2004. “Unruly Play, History Lessons, and a Call for Non-Dichotomous Models,” State of Play II Conference, New York Law School, New York.
2004. Review of Gender Inclusive Game Design: Expanding the Market (Hingham: Charles River Media, 2004) at Game Research website.
2003. “Boundary Spaces: Majestic and the Uncertain Status of Knowledge, Community, and Self in a Digital Age” with Beth Kolko, Information, Communication & Society, 6 (4): 497-522. [PDF]
2003. “The Sopranos Meets EverQuest: Socialization Processes in Massively Multiuser Games” with Mikael Jakobsson, FineArt Forum, 17 (8). [PDF]
2003. “Multiple Pleasures: Women and Online Gaming,” Convergence, 9 (1): 21-46. [See chapter in Play Between Worlds.]
2003. “Power Gamers Just Want To Have Fun?: Instrumental Play In A MMOG,” in M. Copier and J. Raessens (eds.), Level Up Games Conference Proceedings. Utrecht: Universiteit Utrecht; reprinted [revised Danish translation] in I. Engholm & L. Klastrup (eds.), Digitale Verdener, Copenhagen: Gyldendal, pp. 255-272 (2004). [See chapter in Play Between Worlds.]
2003. “Intentional Bodies: Virtual Environments and the Designers Who Shape Them,” International Journal of Engineering Education, 19 (1): 25-34. [PDF]
2003. Review of Self-Games and Body-Play: Personhood in Online Chat and Cybersex (New York: Peter Lang, 2003) in Contemporary Sociology, 33 (6): 680-681.
2003-2005. Regular invited contributor to TerraNova blog.
2002. “Living Digitally: Embodiment in Virtual Worlds” in R. Schroeder (ed.), The Social Life of Avatars: Presence and Interaction in Shared Virtual Environments. London: Springer-Verlag, pp. 40-62. [PDF]
2002. “‘Whose Game Is This Anyway?’”: Negotiating Corporate Ownership in a Virtual World” in F. Mäyrä (ed.), Computer Games and Digital Cultures Conference Proceedings. Tampere: Tampere University Press. [See chapter in Play Between Worlds.]
2002. Everyday Experiences of Avatar Environments with Nina Wakeford. Commissioned by the University of Southern California’s Integrated Media Systems Center.
2002. Review of Cyberpower: The Culture and Politics of Cyberspace and the Internet (London: Routledge, 1999) in Contemporary Sociology, 31 (3): 290-291.
1999. “Life in Virtual Worlds: Plural Existence, Multi-modalities, and Other Online Research Challenges,” American Behavioral Scientist, 43 (3): 435-449; reprinted in Virtual Research Methods, Christine Hine (ed.). Thousand Oaks: SAGE Publications, (in press). [PDF]
1996. Virtual Environments for Education: Platform Review. Report for the National Science Foundation education and virtual environments grant project at the University of Minnesota at Minneapolis, Department of Sociology.