Watch Me Play now available

My new book, Watch Me Play: Twitch and the Rise of Game Live Streaming (Princeton), is now out! You can pick up a copy at Amazon, Princeton, or your local bookseller. I was also so lucky to have the fantastic folks over at Emerson Esports make me a book trailer video for it. Check out…

Climate scientists live streaming

I got a chance to talk with Nora Young of the CBC about ClimateFortnite, an amazing live stream project from Henri Drake, graduate student here at MIT. Drake brings together scientists to both play games and answer questions about climate science. A fascinating combo that seems to have really hooked some folks. Check out the…

Watch Me Play out soon

Really thrilled to announce that my upcoming book on games and live streaming will be out (from Princeton University Press) in October. Just in time for TwitchCon! In addition to being available at Amazon (for pre-order there now too), a free Creative Commons pdf will also be available at  

Spring wrap-up

Whew. I feel like the last half of spring was quite a sprint! Only now coming up for air enough to post a little update. Several terrific events happened post GDC that I’ll mention: AnyKey went to PAX East again where we got to spend a great weekend in the diversity lounge hanging out with…

Twitch talk

It’s no small thing when the platform you’ve been studying for quite a few years invites you in to give a talk and leaves it pretty open as to what you speak about. The invite said “We like to hear about how successful individuals got to where they are today and what they’re up to…