In Media Res

The website, In Media Res, has a special theme on e-sports this week for which I’m a contributor. The site has an interesting format: a curator picks a short (less than 3 min) video to use as a prompt and then writes a brief response. Yesterday, Neal Hinnant, who is curating the entire week, picked…

Podcast: On game studies and assorted topics

I was recently a guest on the really great Culture Digitally podcast. If you don’t know this site and project, it’s a fantastic initiative spearheaded by Hector Postigo and Tarleton Gillespie, two of my fav scholars out there. The site, and podcast, have been a interesting venue for conversations and explorations into cultural production and…

PBS Offbook on e-sports

I’ve really enjoyed PBS’ great Offbook online video series for awhile now. They have covered some fantastic topics with a nice balance of great content and terrific visuals. I’ve long wanted to learn how to make these kinds of thematic short-form videos so I find the series pretty inspirational. They just released an episode on…

@BerkmanCenter talk

Earlier this month I gave a talk at the Berkman Center @ Harvard on some prelim findings regarding this new project on live-streaming I kicked off a few months ago. The data collection is still very much in progress but figured I might as well link the video as it gives some sense of initial…

live streaming, games, and

As I mentioned in my last post, perhaps the one clear absence at the Sloan Sports Analytics Conference panel on e-sports was Justin Kan and the Twitch.TV site. If you are interested in gaming, especially pro e-sports, and you don’t know about Twitch yet, it is worth checking out. It’s a spin-off venue launched in…