
The Sopranos Meets EverQuest: Socialization Processes in Massively Multiplayer Games

“The Sopranos Meets EverQuest: Socialization Processes in Massively Multiuser Games” with Mikael Jakobsson, FineArt Forum, Vol. 17, Issue 8, August 2003.


Note: Parts of the argument in this article can be found updated and revised in my book Play Between Worlds.

This article explores the ways social interaction plays an integral role in the game EverQuest. Through our research we argue that social networks form a powerful component of the gameplay and the gaming experience, one that must be seriously considered to understand the nature of massively multiplayer online games. We discuss the discrepancy between how the game is portrayed and how it is actually played. By examining the role of social networks and interactions we seek to explore how the friendships between the players could be considered the ultimate exploit of the game.