another podcast drops

I was really excited when Ren Reynold’s of the Virtual Policy Network invited me for a chat about my new e-sports book for his podcast, Social Change Technology. Ren’s an old friend and very knowledgeable about gaming (not to mention virtual worlds and all sorts of net-related stuff) so getting a chance to talk to…

mit press podcast

The MIT Press, publisher of my new book, has a podcast and they interviewed me on the subject of e-sports. The episode just dropped and you can listen online. I sound a bit like a sniffly robot but hopefully still some tidbits of interest there for those wanting a little intro about pro play.


Sometimes people ask me if there is a particular clip of a player or video from e-sports that really illustrates the scene. This is actually something I became more interested in during the course of my own fieldwork as I found myself taking more and more pictures at tournaments – words sometimes feel like they…

live streaming, games, and

As I mentioned in my last post, perhaps the one clear absence at the Sloan Sports Analytics Conference panel on e-sports was Justin Kan and the Twitch.TV site. If you are interested in gaming, especially pro e-sports, and you don’t know about Twitch yet, it is worth checking out. It’s a spin-off venue launched in…

is something shifting?

When I was finishing up my book on e-sports (Raising the Stakes, just released from MIT Press) I wrote that it felt a bit odd to be spending all this time talking about professional computer game play amidst the rise of the Wii and Facebook games. Though I’d started my fieldwork on professional e-sports in…